Magda Mostafa is an associate professor of Design in the Architecture Department of AUC, where she leads design studio II, which focuses on the vocabulary of contemporary Egyptian architecture. She is also currently the co-director of the UNESCO-UIA education commission and validation council, which is a global think-tank tasked with setting architectural education policies and practices as well as upholding threshold standards of excellence.
She is a design associate at the Cairo-based practice, progressive architects where she specializes in autism inclusive design. She is the author of autism ASPECTSS™ design guidelines, the world’s first research-based design framework for autism worldwide. ASPECTSS™ has been presented at the United Nations as a framework for international autism design policy, as well as showcased in lectures and keynotes at Harvard’s GSD, the National Autistic Society in the UK, Ireland’s AsIAM and the World Autism Organization. It was awarded the UIA International Research Award in 2014 and was the subject if her well-received TedTalk in 2015. Her work on autism is widely published worldwide, and she has been called “one of the world's pre-eminent researchers in autism design” by the international architectural media. To date, the ASPECTSS Design Index has informed 12 architectural, urban, and artistic projects in 4 countries, been a key resource for 10 policy papers, guidelines, and regulatory documents at national and regional levels and has informed the research of dozens of graduate and undergraduate students in 18 countries. Through various consultancies, ASPECTSS™ has been used to design projects spanning five continents and ranging in scale from interior classroom retrofits to urban-scale neighborhoods in Europe, the US, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Australia, and the UAE. Information about her work can be found at
She has recently joined the New York-based think-tank and inclusive practice MIXDesign as a member of their MIX Neurodiversity Initiative and as part of their team as an autism expert ( Their work together includes, among other topics, intersectional reflections on their ethos and areas of expertise with the architecture for the pandemic world of Covid-19, which was the subject of a recent NYTimes Magazine article (
Her other field of research looks at another form of marginalization through the study of informal settlement, and in 2015 she published the Juxtopolis© Pedagogy, a studio-based research/design methodology. The Juxtopolis© Pedagogy's resultant work has been presented and exhibited worldwide, including at Columbia University's GSAPP; Durban, South Africa; and most recently at the 2016 Venice Biennale. It is also an integral part of her studio teaching at AUC. She is co-author of the book "Learning from Cairo" and her Juxtopolis Pedagogy was featured in Columbia University's book series on Architecture and the City "The Arab City: Architecture and Representation" by Amale Andraos and Nora Akawi.
Academic Experience
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, The American University in Cairo Cairo, Egypt 2009-Present
Associate Chair, Department of Architecture, The American University in Cairo Cairo, Egypt 2016-2020
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Construction and Architectural Engineering, The American University in Cairo Cairo, Egypt 2004-2009
Assistant Professor of Architecture, Cairo University, Department of Architectural Engineering Cairo, Egypt 2004-2009
Media Articles
BluePrint Magazine: Access All Areas
ArchitectureNow: Autism-Aware Design
ASPECTSS featured in the Toronto Globe and Mail
Design for Living, The National Autistic Society, Your Autism Magazine
Interview with Magda Mostafa- Pioneer in Autism Design
Cairo Review- Architecture for All
City Lab- Designing Buildings for Children with Autism
Autism Friendly Guidelines for Builders
Architect has Found the Key for Designing for Autistic Children
Making Life Easier for Children with Autism
AlAhram Cairo Features ASPECTSS
Professional Experience
Design Associate and Special Needs Design Consultant, Progressive Architects Cairo, Egypt 1999-Present
Designer, CDC-Abdelhalim Architects, Cairo, Egypt 1995-1997
Architect, EHAF-CEDAJ, Cairo, Egypt 1994-1995
PhD, 2004 — Department of Architectural Engineering, Cairo University, Dissertation Title: Accommodating Autistic Behavior in Design through Modification of the Architectural Environment, Cairo, Egypt
MSc, 1998 — Department of Architectural Engineering, Cairo University, Dissertation Title: Culturally Responsive Architecture: Its Existence, Objectivity and Mechanisms, Cairo, Egypt
BSc, 1994 — Department of Architectural Engineering, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
ASPECTSS Assessment
ASPECTSS Design Consultancy Services for Autism Specific Built Environments
Post Occupancy Evaluations
Special Needs Design Consultancy
International Appointments
& Memberships
Co-Director, UNESCO-UIA Education Commission and Co-Reporter, Validation Council for Architectural Education (VCAE), International Union of Architects- UIA (2017-present)
Deputy Vice President, Region V- UNESCO-UIA Education Commission and Validation Council for Architectural Education (VCAE), International Union of Architects. (November 2011 - 2017)
Member, Professionals in Autism, National Autistic Society, UK. (2010 - Present)
Honorary Member and World Architecture Community Awards Jury member, World Architecture Community. (2009 - Present).
Member, UNESCO-UIA Education Commission Reflection Groups, International Union of Architects. (2006 - November 2012).
Member, WHEEL, Women in Higher Education and Elite Leadership. (2011 - 2014)
Selected Awards and Honors
Design Thinking for Educators Centennial Fellowship Associate Provost for Research, Creativity and Innovation, AUC January 2019.The Center for Learning and Teaching, with the support of the office of the Associate Provost for Research, Creativity and Innovation, in collaboration with the Hasso-Plattner Institute School of Design Thinking (HPI) offered an immersive year-long program for educators as design thinking coaches and innovation educators
Top 2.1% of Researchers on December 2018
Rolex Award for Enterprise, shortlisted, for the ASPECTSS Classroom project. The Rolex Awards for Enterprise support inspiring individuals who carry out innovative projects that advance human knowledge or well-being. August 2015
UIA International Architecture for All Research Award, for the Autism ASPECTSS™ Design Index. This international award is given to an architect(s) for evidence based design research that makes a significant contribution to improved quality of life through facilitating a better understanding of user-centered design and its application to the design of the built environment. (UIA World Congress, Durban, South Africa, August 2014).
Nominee, AUC Excellence in Teaching Award AUC April 2014 Nominee
ArcVision Women in Architecture Award, Italicementi & and the Society of Egyptian Architects. Among 10 women honored in 2013/2014 for excellence in design for social and environmental responsibility awarded for the Advance Center for Special Needs project (January 2014).
Nominee, AUC Excellence in Teaching Award AUC April 2013 Nominee
Coordinator, Cairo Green, TEDx City 2.0 finalist, TEDx. Coordinator of the CairoGreen workshop at AUC in collaboration with Architecture and Vision, Andreas Vogler & Arturo Vittori, with students from AUC and Cairo University. The workshop proposed green solutions for Cairo and was shortlisted for the TEDx City 2.0 award (December 2012).
Omrania/ CSBE Student Award for Excellence in Architectural Design, Advisor for two First Prize winning project, Center for the Study of the Built Environment. (October 2012).
Omrania/ CSBE Student Award for Excellence in Architectural Design, Advisor for First Prize winning project, Center for the Study of the Built Environment. (October 2011).
International Award for Excellence in the Design Field from Design Principles & Practices for “Thinking Outside the Box: Addressing and Enhancing Visual/Spatial Skills and Active Learning in Architectural Education”, a paper studying the learning style shift of architectural students through AUC’s architecture program (2008).
Finalist, The International Award for Excellence in the Constructed Environment, Common Ground Publishing & The International Journal of the Constructed Environment. (February 2012)
International Publication Award, Ministry of Higher Education. Egypt (2010).
International Publication Award, Ministry of Higher Education. Egypt (2009).
Nominee, UNESCO/Emir of Kuwait Prize for Research and Training in Special Needs Education for Children, UNESCO- Emir of Kuwait. (2005).
Video Presentations
TEDxCairo- The ASPECTSS of Architecture for Autism
Network Autism: and Interview with Dr. Magda Mostafa at the world's first autism design conference
Ernie Els Foundation Seminar- Autism ASPECTSS
Award Winning Research
UIA International Architecture for All Research Award, 2014, for development of the Autism ASPECTSS™ Design Index through the following body of work:
Mostafa, M., (2015), "An Architecture for Autism: Built Environment Performance in Accordance to the Autism ASPECTSS™ Design Index," Design Principles and Practices: An Annual Review, 8, 55-72
Mostafa, M. (2014) "An Architecture for Autism: Application of the Autism ASPECTSS™ Design Index to Home Environments," The International Journal of the Constructed Environment, 4 (2), 25-38.
Mostafa, M. (2014), "Architecture for Autism: Autism ASPECTSS™ in School Design," The International Journal of Architectural Research, 8 (1), 143-158.
Mostafa, M. (2010), "Housing Adaptation for Adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorder," Open House International, Urban International Press, 35 (1), 37-48
Mostafa, M. (2008), "An Architecture for Autism: Concepts of Design Intervention for the Autistic User," International Journal of Architectural Research (IJAR), Massachusetts Institute of Technology ArchNet, 2 (1), 189-211
The International Award for Excellence in the Design Field from Design Principles & Practices (2008) and
International Publication Award, Ministry of Higher Education. (2010) for
Mostafa, M. (2008), "Thinking Outside the Box- Addressing and Enhancing Visual/Spatial and Active Learning in Architectural Education," The International Journal of Design Principles and Practices, Common Ground Publishing, 2 (1), 113-120
Finalist for The International Award for Excellence in the Constructed Environment, Common Ground Publishing & The International Journal of the Constructed Environment. (February 2012) for
Mostafa, M. (2011), "Inspiration vs. Plagiarism: Academic Integrity in Architectural Education," International Journal of the Constructed Environment, Common Ground Publishing, 1 (3), 85-100.
International Publication Award, Ministry of Higher Education. (2009) for
Mostafa, M. (2008), "An Architecture for Autism: Concepts of Design Intervention for the Autistic User," International Journal of Architectural Research (IJAR), Massachusetts Institute of Technology ArchNet, 2 (1), 189-211
Published Intellectual Contributions
Scholarly Books
Mostafa, M., (2019) Architecture for Autism: Built Environment Performance in Accordance to the Autism ASPECTSS Design Index in El-Kour, T., Das, U., “Autism 360”, Elsevier
Mostafa, M., Juxtopolis Pedagogy: the Cairo Studio in Andraos, A., Akawi, N., “The Arab City: Architecture and Representation” Columbia University Press, NY, (2016)
Mostafa, M., Stryker B., and Nagati O, Learning from Cairo: Global Perspectives and Future Visions, Cairo, Egypt, Ford Foundation, (2013)
Mostafa, M. (accepted for publication), An Architecture for Autism Chicago Ill., Common Ground Publishing, (pending publication date)
Expert Essays in Books
Mostafa, M., “An Architecture for Autism” in Environmental Psychology for Design, 2nd edition, Kopec D. (author), New York: Fairchild Publishing, (2012)
Symposium Books and E-books
Mostafa, M., Tarabieh K., Vogler, A., Vittori A., Cairo Green, Cairo: Spirit Publications, (2013). (
Refereed Journal Articles
Mostafa, M. (2018). “Designing for Autism: An ASPECTSS™ Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Learning Environments”, The International Journal of Architectural Research, MIT-Archnet-IJAR, 12(3).
Mostafa, M., (2015), "An Architecture for Autism: Built Environment Performance in Accordance to the Autism ASPECTSS™ Design Index," Design Principles and Practices: Annual Review
Mostafa, M. (2014), "From Freedom of Expression to Expression of Freedom: Responding to Socio-Political Change in the Classroom," Journal of Education in the Built Environment, 9 (1), 35-47.
Mostafa, M. (2014) "An Architecture for Autism: Application of the Autism ASPECTSS™ Design Index to Home Environments," The International Journal of the Constructed Environment, 4 (2), 25-38.
Mostafa, M. (2014), "Architecture for Autism: Autism ASPECTSS™ in School Design," The International Journal of Architectural Research, 8 (1), 143-158.
Mostafa, M. (2011), "Inspiration vs. Plagiarism: Academic Integrity in Architectural Education," International Journal of the Constructed Environment, Common Ground Publishing, 1 (3), 85-100.
Mostafa, M. and H. Mostafa (2010), "How do Architects Think? Learning Styles and Architectural Education," International Journal of Architectural Research (IJAR), Massachusetts Institute of Technology ArchNet, 4, 310-317
Nassar, K., M., Mostafa, and A. Rifki (2010), "Visualization Skills for the New Architectural Forms," International Journal of Architectural Research (IJAR), Massachusetts Institute of Technology ArchNet, 4, 346-358
Mostafa, M. (2010), "Housing Adaptation for Adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorder," Open House International, Urban International Press, 35 (1), 37-48
Mostafa, M. (2008), "An Architecture for Autism: Concepts of Design Intervention for the Autistic User," International Journal of Architectural Research (IJAR), Massachusetts Institute of Technology ArchNet, 2 (1), 189-211
Mostafa, M. (2008), "Thinking Outside the Box- Addressing and Enhancing Visual/Spatial and Active Learning in Architectural Education," The International Journal of Design Principles and Practices, Common Ground Publishing, 2 (1), 113-120
Editorials in Peer Reviewed Journals
Mostafa, M.(2013), "Editorial: Expanding Normal: Towards a More Inclusive Approach to Designing the Built Environment," Open House International, Urban International Press, 38, 4-7, Gateshead, Great Britain.
Articles in Non-peer Reviewed Journals and Professional Magazines
Mostafa, M. M. H. E. (2017), "The Informal City in the age of the New Urban Agenda: time to challenge the narrative," Commonwealth Association of Architects.
Mostafa, M. (October, 2006), "Viewpoint: Enabling Architecture," Communication Magazine, The National Autistic Society, 38, (Miranda Kemp, Ed.), London, United Kingdom
Mostafa, M. (April 14, 2014), "Learning from Cairo: What Informal Settlements Can (and Should) Teach Us," ArchDaily, USA
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Mostafa, M. M. H. E. and A. H. Sherif (2018), "Architectural Innovation for Children with Special Needs: Adoption of the Sensory Design Theory in the design of a Center for Special Education," International Union of Architects Public Health Group.
El Khafif, M., Mostafa, M., Nafeh, N, 2015, [IN]formal Pattern Language, A Guide to Handmade Improvitecture© in Cairo, Contemporary Urban Issues, ISBN: 978-605-9207-10-2, pp. 284-94
Mostafa, M. and H. M. H.-d. Mostafa, (2013), "Academic Digital DNA: Mapping Learning Outcomes using E-Portfolios," Higher Education in Teaching and Learning, HETL, Orlando, Florida. January 15, 2013.
Mostafa, M. (2012), "From Freedom of Expression to Expression of Freedom: Responding to Socio-Political Change in the Classroom," Association of the Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA), (Xavier Costa, Martha Thorne, Eds.), USA: Association of the Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA).
Sherif, A. H., N. H. Sherif, and M. Mostafa (2008), "Developing a New Architecture Curriculum: Achieving Educational Goals within Program Constraints," Oxford Conference, 2008: 50 years on- Resetting the Agenda for Architectural Education, WIT Press, Oxford, UK
Sherif, A. H., M. Mostafa, and N. H. Sherif (2007), "From Theory to Practice: Application of Egyptian Special Needs Design Codes- Accessibility vs. Inclusion," ArchCairo 2007 Conference Linking and Bridging: Academia and the Professional Realm, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
Mostafa, M. (2006), "An Architecture for Autism- A New Dimension in School Design," Second World Autism Congress, World Autism Organization, Autism South Africa & Jessica Kingsley Publishing, Cape Town, South Africa
Mostafa, M. (2006), "Let Them be Heard: Appropriate Acoustics for Autism- Special Needs School Design," ArchCairo 2006 Appropriating Architecture and Taming Urbanism in the Decades of Transformation, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt: ArchCairo 2006 Appropriating Architecture and Taming Urbanism in the Decades of Transformation, Cairo University.
Other Publications
Cox, L., F. Ramos, S. Chough, W. Tochtermann, R. Schweitzer, A. Viaro, A. Koudryavtsev, V. Slapeta, P. Mora Morales, K. Schwennsen, M. Mostafa, N. Furaya, R. Harber, Z. Shafie, J. Joppien, G. Cirilli, N. Kutateladze, J. Scheeler, H. Garcia Escorza, G. Kunihiro, and S. Alnaga (2013), "UNESCO-UIA Charter for Architectural Education, 3rd Edition," Tokyo: UNESCO-UIA. (2011)
Cox, L., F. Ramos, S. Chough, W. Tochtermann, R. Schweitzer, A. Viaro, A. Koudryavtsev, V. Slapeta, P. Mora Morales, K. Schwennsen, M. Mostafa, N. Furaya, R. Harber, G. Kunihiro (2013), "UNESCO-UIA Charter for Architectural Education, 4th Edition," Durban: UNESCO-UIA. (2014)
Mostafa, M. UIA Joint Education and Professional Practice Commission- Academic Integrity and Plagiarism in Architectural Education and Professional Practice Joint Policy Position Paper, Paris, France: International Union of Architects, (2011)
Mostafa, M. & Abdelhalim Ibrahim, unpublished manuscript- biographical and project material , "An Architecture of Collective Memory" (working title) for Aga Khan award winning architect, Dr. Abdelhalim Ibrahim Abdelhalim, in conjunction with award winning author James Steele. (CDC) Abdelhalim, Cairo, Egypt. (2007 - 2008)
Mostafa, M., The House of Arts and Culture Lebanese-Omani Center International Architectural Competition Jury Report, 13. (2009)
Invited Lectures and Presentations
Mostafa, M., “Build Different: Strategies for Innovation and Resilience in Architecture for Autism”, invited keynote address, The Autism Forum, Think Different: Innovation and Resilience, Zurich, Switzerland, (November 2019)
Mostafa, M., “The Environment as Partner”, invited keynote address, AsIAm, National Autism Association Ireland Building Partnerships, Dublin, Ireland, (September 2019)
Mostafa, M. “Building for a Differently-Abled World: the Architecture of Autism”, invited Keynote Address, Pan-African Congress on Autism, Nairobi, Kenya, (April 2019)
Mostafa, M. Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Women in Architecture Lecture Series, “The ASPECTSS for an Architecture for Autism”, Cambridge, (November 2016)
Mostafa, M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) DUSP Urban Africa Lecture Series, “The Juxtopolis Pedagogy: Cairo as an Urban Laboratory”, Cambridge, (November 2016)
Mostafa, M., "Cairo: A Juxtopolis and its Nile," University of California, Berkeley, Cairo, Egypt. (March 2017).
Mostafa, M., “An Architecture for Autism: Towards More Inclusive Built Environments for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders”, invited presentation on World Autism Day to the United Nations 11th Session of the Commission for the Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD) and the 2014 Social Forum of the Human Rights Council, Geneva, Switzerland, (April, 2014)
Mostafa, M., CLT TALIX and Symposium, "Learning with your Senses: a Multi-Sensory Approach to Design," Cairo, Egypt. (February 2018).
Mostafa, M., "Cosmopolitan Cairo, a Juxtopolis", Cosmopolitan Cairo: Migration, cultural diversity and urban development in the global city Cairo, GAPP, AUC. (January 2018).
Mostafa, M., J. (Author & Presenter), The Changing City and the New Urban Agenda Masterclass, "The Informal City and the New Urban Agenda: Intersections, Interpretations and Inspiration," The Royal Institute of British Architects, London, UK. (July 3, 2017).
Associate Editing and Guest Editing of Peer Reviewed Journals
Editor, Open House International- Special Issue on Built Environments for Special Populations, Urban International Press, (Magda Mostafa, Nicholas Wilkinson, Eds.) (2013)
Associate Editor, The International Journal of Learner Diversity and Identities, vol. 20, issue 4. (2014)
Associate Editor The International Journal of the Constructed Environment, vol.1 issue 3. (2011)
Associate Editor The International Journal of Design Principles and Practices, vol. 2. (2008)
Creative Works and Architectural Projects
Nafeh, N., Mostafa, M., ElKhafif, M, Blackwell, A., (2016) Improvitecture: The (In)Formal Pattern Language in “Egypt: Reframing Back: Imperative Confrontations”, the Egyptian Pavilion, The Venice Architecture Biennale, “Reporting from the Front”, Venice, Italy, May 2016
Mostafa, M., Benhawy, F., Zeitoun, M., Omar, M., Badawy, M., Sadek, R, (2018) The Juxtopolis of Cairo: the City as Resource, Space as a Solution, in Robbabeciah, the award-winning Egyptian Pavilion, the Venice Architecture Biennale, “Free-Space”, Venice, Italy, May, 2018
Curator, African Region, “UIA Education Commission International Student Works Exhibition”, Durban South Africa, (August, 2014)
Curator, "From Pyramids to Spacecraft," Architecture and Vision, Swiss Embassy, Cairo & AUC, Cairo, Egypt. (November 16, 2012 - November 26, 2012)
Mostafa, Magda, Maged, Salah, Refaat, Noha, El Ibyari, Mariam, Mahfouz, Norhan, Swellam, Rana, Elmasry, Ragya, Qaldas, Marina, Ghali, Ayman, Mina, Lilian, Naguib, Aziz, "Freedom Pavilion," Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA), USA. A virtual photo essay exhibition of design works. (April 2012 - December 2012)
Curator, ""GLocal Architecture at AUC" at the +20 Egypt Design, DesignPartners, Milan Italy & the Egyptian Furniture Export Council, Fattamid Cairo, Egypt. (June 3, 2010 - June 10, 2010)
Architectural Projects and Consultancy
Autism Design Consultant, University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) Munroe Meyer Institute (MMI) for Genetics and Rehabilitation Facility Replacement, Special Needs and Autism Design Consultant in partnership with Altus Studios, Omaha, Nebraska, 2018-2019
Autism Design Consultant, Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services (SCHS) Master Plan and Architectural Design, Autism Center, Al Wafa School, Inclusive Library and SCHS Administration Building, Sharjah, UAE- Special Needs Design Consultant in partnership with Dar Al Omran, Amman, Jordan, 2016-2019
Autism Design Consultant, Sydney Early Intervention Autism Center, Sydney, Australia, Autism Design Consultant, with Nigel Merryweather Architects, Australia, 2018-2019
Autism Design Consultant, Els Center for Excellence, Jupiter, Florida, USA, Post Occupancy Evaluation and Phase II Design Consultation- Special Needs Design Consultant, 2015-2016
Autism Design Consultant, ElBalad Autism Center, Autism Design Consultancy, Sponsored by UNRWA- United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees & El Balad Society, (December 2017 - June 2018).
Autism Design Consultant, CICATRE (Cyprus International Center for Autism Treatment and Research), Grant Proposal Preparation and Special Needs Design Programming Support. (2017 - 2018).
Autism Design Consultant, Eradah Society, Al-Jubail Special Needs Education Center, Saudi Arabia, Autism and Special Needs Design Sub-Consultant with Shafie-Sherif Bureau and Al-Naim Consult, Saudi Arabia. (September 2017 - 2018).
Consultant, Advance Special Needs Educational Center adaptive re-use project with Progressive Architects, Maadi, Cairo, (2002)
Consultant, Advance Special Needs New Educational Center with Progressive Architects, Qattameya, Cairo, (2004)
Charis Workhome for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, with Peter and Anneke De Nooy, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, (2003)
Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks
Mostafa, M., "Autism ASPECTSS™ Design Index", Trademark EG-285356/7/8/9.